Our Vision for Walmer
A community of people becoming more like Jesus. This includes depending deeply on God, caring radically for each other, extending hope to the seeking, and seeing lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Our Purpose
To learn to live under Jesus’ direction. This includes embodying his kind of love in the world, so that people might glimpse the possibility of a world in which all creation is reconciled to God and to each other and desire to be part of it.
Our Core Values
Prayer: We value prayer as foundational to all ministry and spiritual growth. It expresses our dependence on God and our need to know his direction and will.
The Bible: We value the Bible as the living Word of God through which we come to know God and are shaped into Jesus’ likeness. Recognizing that the Bibles we read are translations from different languages, cultures, and historical contexts, we value thoughtful, academically sound interpretive processes for understanding the Bible.
Worship: We value worship through which we meaningfully engage with God in prayer, confession, and praise.
Discipleship: We value discipleship that results in people eager to follow Jesus, empowered for service to God, and living lives that are redeemed and transformed by God’s Holy Spirit.
Diversity: We value the immeasurable diversity of humanity and seek to create a place of belonging in which everyone is welcome.
Authenticity: We value living, worshiping, and being together without facades and pretense.
Passion: We value doing God’s work with passion and boldness, risking everything because he means everything to us.