On Mission with Canadian Baptist Ministries (Jan. 10/21)

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John 1:1 – 14

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Read more…

Revelation 1:9 – 18

I, John, your brother who share with you in Jesus the persecution and the kingdom and the patient endurance, was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. Read more…

Stories of Hope

In addition to a short reflection, this week, from Dr. Jonathan Wilson of CBM, a number of stories of hope were shared from various places around the world. The text of those stories is available here: Stories of Hope.

Looking to Sunday

by Elaine Poproski

Canadian Baptist Ministries (CBM) is an organization with which I’m proud to be affiliated. In a day and age when so many Christian organizations struggle to figure out or hold onto their purpose, CBM has fantastic clarity. In an era of leaders who long for (and often feel entitled to) the spotlight, CBM clings tenaciously to a model of empowering, servant leadership. In a world full of us and them, CBM celebrates that humanity together – all of us – is in God’s image.

As a Canadian Baptist church in Canada, Walmer is connected to ministry around the world. We are connected to churches, prisons, schools (a lot of schools), food security efforts, justice and advocacy work, and so much more. Canadian Baptists look for partnerships with local individuals and organizations in villages and cities alike. We are committed to expressing God’s love through word and deed, believing that God brings hope and healing to our broken world through local churches.

On Sunday we’re invited to hear a few stories of hope and healing as witnessed by some of our CBM partners from around the world. We’ll hear from some of the staff at the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Beirut – a city that suffered horrendously following a massive explosion this past August. We’ll hear how churches in Myanmar responded to the needs of rural students who couldn’t return to school at the Thailand Bethel Theological School after COVID closed borders last spring. We’ll hear about a new partnership with the Community of Baptist Churches in East Congo and about a less new partnership with the Baptist Association of El Salvador. All the stories are a testament to the hope and healing Jesus who is the Light of the World, brings.

As you prepare for Sunday, perhaps spend some time on CBM’s website. Have a look at some of the things we’re connected to around the world, simply because we’re Canadian Baptists. Maybe read through some past issues of Mosaic magazine or watch some episodes of Terry Talks, which are short videos that allow us to witness some of the ways God is impacting our world globally. As you prepare for Sunday, perhaps spend some time asking God to give you or refresh in you a global vision of the Church and its mission.