Small Group


October 20, 2024    
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Walmer Theatre
188 Lowther Ave., Toronto, ON, M5R 1E8

Event Type

Together we will be discussing learning from a series of videos titled ReFrame, produced by Regent College. Feel free to download the workbook, so even if you can’t join us in person, you can still participate well.

Session 3: Creation and Fall

(Watch the video here.)

This session starts at the beginning with the account of the creation and fall. Genesis tells us why God created the world and humanity and his purposes for both. God’s creation was good, but this goodness was catastrophically marred through the fall. Nevertheless, as image-bearers of God, we are called to cultivate this original goodness in our relationships with God, others, and creation.


Temple—God created and ordered the cosmos. The cosmos is like a sacred temple, but is not itself divine.

Humanity—We are made in the image of God. Humans are called to be kings (culture makers) and priests (cultural caretakers).

The Fall—The fall broke relationships, causing alienation and diminishing shalom (fullness of life), but it does not negate the goodness of creation. Amidst the brokenness of the world, God is working to redeem creation.

Vocation—We are invited to participate with God in his work of redemption. Shalom is restored in the cosmos through reconciled relationships with God, each other, and creation.

Discussion Questions

  • What do Genesis 1 and 2 tell us about who we are and God’s purposes for creation?
  • What does the fall mean for God’s original purposes?
  • How could remembering the beginning of the biblical story change how we think about our vocations and our culture?
  • Understanding the creation story helped resolve Hugo’s tension. What difference might this make for the tensions you experience?