That Time I Walked On Water

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Sunday Reflection

Read Andrea Seale’s reflection, titled, “Faith in the Storm,” from Sunday’s sermon. You’ll find it in the Sunday Reflections blog.

Sunday Scripture Reading: Matthew 14:22-33 (NRSV)

22 Immediately he made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead to the other side, while he dismissed the crowds. Read more…

Looking to Sunday

by Elaine Poproski

There are certain laws to creation that suggest an order to the universe. They offer a sense of security and predictability. The sun shines during the day, and the moon and stars light the night sky. The earth rotates around the sun. Rocks are hard and water is not.

So what do we do when God asks or promises something that that is contrary to these laws He, Himself, instituted when He created the world?

Last week, we considered the promise made to Abraham and Sarah of a child born long after their natural child-bearing years. This week, we’ll consider Jesus’ nature-defying act of walking on water and Peter’s similarly astonishing behaviour.

Peter walked on water. Not frozen water, as some might suggest, but actual water. What made him think he could do it? What did the other disciples think when they saw him leap out of the boat?

I think we miss a lot of miracles because they so often require a certain suspension of faith in the laws of nature. They require that we risk failing – drowning. They require that, with eyes fixed on Jesus, we leap first and ask questions later.

As you prepare for Sunday, I invite you to consider if God might be inviting you into something that doesn’t totally make sense. Is there a risk of failure? Does it defy things you know to be true about the way the world works? What do you need from God and from your church family, for you to make the leap?